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>School subjects in many languages

School subjects in many languages


Language teachers need authentic vocabulary, resources and contexts in order to engage learners. By sharing our timetables and the resources that we use to teach the various subjects, we can provide each other with a wealth of teaching materials and our pupils with a window on the world.

Age range
5 - 14
Judy Skelton
Project stage
In progress
Last update
13 years ago
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This project has been created as a sub project of Sharing Resources for Teaching Languages. 


The language of school subjects changes constantly and it is interesting to see not only which subjects are being taught in other countries, but also how the terminology changes.

folder iconTimetables

objects: 12
Timetables in different languages from different countries
Type Name Size Owner Updated
Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet French Primary School Timetable 19.0 kB Judy Skelton 10-11-2009
Microsoft Word file Spanish Secondary Timetable.doc 43.0 kB Judy Skelton 18-10-2009
Microsoft Word file Russian Timetable.doc 43.0 kB Judy Skelton 17-10-2009
Unknown type Timetable.docx 13.4 kB Judy Skelton 17-10-2009
Microsoft Word file Y1 timetable.doc 37.0 kB Jane Gage 27-09-2009
Microsoft Word file French timetable primary school age 10.doc 42.0 kB Isabelle Haguet 23-09-2009
Microsoft Word file English tt 08_09 Edale Primary School 142.5 kB Jennifer Rackstraw 20-06-2009
Microsoft Word file Argentina school timetable primary school.doc 33.5 kB Chris Swift 04-06-2009
Microsoft Word file Argentina school timetable secondary school.doc 44.5 kB Chris Swift 04-06-2009
Microsoft Word file English Timetable 2006-2007 35.0 kB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009
Microsoft Word file English Timetable 2007-2008 30.5 kB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009
Microsoft Word file Croatian school timetable primary school age 12.doc 389.5 kB Ksenija Vidmar-Nincevic 26-06-2009

Ideas and Resources in English

Please contribute ideas and resources from your classroom or made by your pupils to help teachers in other countries to teach about the curriculum in English speaking countries

Websites for school subjects

It could be useful for teachers from other countries to be able to access the documents we use for teaching in our own language. If we are trying to teach using the CLIL approach, ie teaching subjects in the target language, what better place to find inspiration and vocabulary than by consulting the documents and resources available in the country where the language is spoken.

The BBC offer websites for teachers :

Teacher's TV offers videos to download on many subjects


This is a visual timetable which is available from sparklebox and which teachers in England sometimes use.

A PowerPoint made by the children of Castleton school, showing subjects illustrated by classroom display and with sound recording for the pronunciation of the subjects.

To teach the names of school subjects in English you might like to use these illustrations by our school children. Your children can colour the words and the pictures.

If you wished to edit the text and add the subject names in another language that would be great.

folder iconschool subject flashcards

objects: 6
Illustrations of school subjects by the children of Bamford School. Derbyshire, England
Type Name Size Owner Updated
Microsoft Word file subjects 1-3.doc 3.5 MB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009
Microsoft Word file subjects 4-6.doc 4.0 MB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009
Microsoft Word file subjects 7-10.doc 3.6 MB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009
Microsoft Word file subjects 11-13.doc 3.2 MB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009
Microsoft Word file subjects 14-17.doc 4.1 MB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009
Microsoft Word file subjects 17-20.doc 3.3 MB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009
We have used the same illustrations to make a work sheet to match the words to the pictures.

folder iconWorksheets

objects: 1
Please add worksheets created by your children to help children from other countries learn about the subjects that you teach
Type Name Size Owner Updated
Microsoft Word file work sheet for school subjects edit.doc 605.0 kB Judy Skelton 27-02-2009

Idées et ressources en français

Comment est-ce que les enseignants d’autres pays peuvent-ils se renseigner sur les matières enseignées en France, et la journée scolaire des élèves ? Si vous pouvez nous aider avec des sites web, des photos du travail de vos élèves ou autre, nous vous serions très reconnaissants.


Ideas and resources in Spanish

Please could a teacher of Spanish edit and translate this project stage for us, inviting teachers from Spanish speaking countries to contribute.


Ideas and resources in German

Please could a German speaker edit and translate this project stage for us, inviting teachers from German speaking countries to contribute.


Ideas and resources in Italian

Please could aan Italian speaker edit and translate this project stage for us, inviting teachers from Italian speaking countries to contribute.


Ideas and Resources from Croatia

Please add to this section. Which languages are spoken and taught in Croatia?

Timetable idea

Ksenija had the good idea of making a picture template for timetables which schools could use in their own language without the need to translate. There will be subjects that differ from country to country, so we may need some more pictures.

forum iconUser forum

messages: 15 | pending: 0

discussion of school day and resources

Teachers and pupils may have questions that they would like to ask about the subjects taught in different countries.

What do the letters BCD stand for on a French timetable?
15 years ago
Often timetables use letters instead of words. This could be confusing when sharing resources. Maybe we should explain them to each other.
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Re: What do the letters BCD stand for on a French timetable?
15 years ago
Dear Judy, It means Bibliothèque Centre de Documentation ! That's it ! Pascale N. SaintEtienne
School timetables in Argentina
15 years ago
Ruben Mazzei
Hi everyone,I am attaching three samples of school timetables in Argentina. I have already printed and used the ones Judy uploaded and my students were really motivated to learn about school subjects in England. And they would like to learn about the other participant countries too!
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Re: School timetables in Argentina
15 years ago
Thanks Ruben. If you want to communicate with the rest of the project members you can also email the whole list to let them know you have added a resource. Just under the list of participants there is an option to email all. That way we will definitely know when new things get added.
Re: School timetables in Argentina
15 years ago
I have enjoyed reading your time tables. Your school day is very different to ours. Would you be able to upload them in Spanish as well, so that schools teaching Spanish can use them in their classes. Judy.
Re: School timetables in Argentina
15 years ago
I am interested that secondary teaching seems to be mainly in the morning and primary teaching in the afternoon. Why is this?
Re: School timetables in Argentina
15 years ago
In answer to Judy´s question, secondary school is in the morning and some grades in primary school are in the morning and also in the afternoon. This is not the case in schools in Argentina, that is, there are morning and afternoon shifts for both primary and secondary schools. The school where I teach is a semi-rural school and there are not enough classrooms for both primary and secondary students; that´s why we have to share. Even, the building share one classroom with Kindergarten.
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Re: School timetables in Argentina
15 years ago
Thanks Ruben, Can you tell us a bit mor about your school. I am hoping to put up some information about the schools where I work on the hello page project in the next few weeks. Judy.
15 years ago
Hello, Judy! Hello, all! I'm very impressed by these little but very useful for my pupils' future English knowledge - video films! I can't wait to show them the first week in September! EXCELLENT JOB! Well done, Judy! Also, thank you for sharing websites with us! I'm sure my students will often 'visit' them! Thanks! Till soon, I believe! Ksenija
Re: Hello!
15 years ago
Judy Skelton
Hi Ksenija, Actually, re the websites, these were more suitable for the teacher and for seeing the sort of resources that are available online for primary teachers to use. We could always make a section for the pupils as well? Judy.
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Re: Hello!
15 years ago
Ksenija Vidmar-Nincevic
Hi, Judy, I believe there won't be much harm in making a section for pupils! What do the rest pof you think? Ksenija
rituels en anglais?
15 years ago
Thank you to Isabelle for her French timetable which is very interesting. I am intrigued to know what you do every morning where the time table says 'rituels en anglais'?
Re: rituels en anglais?
15 years ago
Isabelle Haguet
Dear Judy, every morning,I ask them how they are, then, we count the missing pupils, those who are eating at home or at the canteen. We write the date in English and we do a weather diary. The pupils can do it instead of the teacher.
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Re: rituels en anglais?
15 years ago
Judy Skelton
Thank you Isabelle. That's a really good way of embedding the language. We are being encouraged to look for ways of meeting the language during the day as well. Judy
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Topic Work in English
15 years ago
Judy Skelton
Jane has posted an English timetable showing Topic Work each afternoon. Would you be able to explain a bit about this and what you are doing at the moment? Judy.

This project is part of a group of projects for Language Teachers. The idea is to support each other by sharing resources from our own classrooms to help teachers around the world who are teaching our language. It is a sub project of Sharing Resources for Teaching Languages.

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