In addition to the provided resources, teachers need to be trained in ICT skills as well as integrating these skills into their practice teaching.
Using Audio-visuals and Multimedia in the teaching and learning process involves students in learning and acquiring information. Most people learn by what they see and do, the use of appropriate instructional media provides an interactive experience which motivates learners and enhances the quality of learning.
Learning Objects
Learning objects are software tools used to motivate, attract, and evaluate students because they are supplied with multimedia tools. Teachers create such objects to inquire students' new concepts based on their previous knowledge. PowerPoint presentations are good example as they create an interactive and motivating learning environment. However, teachers should be careful in using these presentations in their classroom because they may end up using self-directed learning instead of engaging students in the presented lesson.
Implementing ICT in Classroom requires strategic planning from head teachers to be supported with adequate tools and resources. Also, It supports personlized or differentiated learning. Looking forward to sharing ideas and information on this subject with you all.
Hi everyone,
This looks like a very interesting project. I’d like to share info about a free piece of software that I know is popular with UK teachers and students.
It’s called audacity and is great for making sound recordings that can be shared as mp3s or podcasts.
Maybe you could try it with your class. They could make a short recording about their school day and share it with other schools by uploading it to eLanguages.
Students in other countries could listen and respond with their own recordings.
It’s a wonderful way of allowing children to share their real voice and experiences with a partner school.
A great UK-India ICT project that uses podcasts
More info about podcasting
Hi Rana,
Great to see the powerpoints you’ve uploaded. You certainly have
very talented and creative students! Would it be possible for them to
create one or two presentations about their local area. They could
include info about some of the following: local food, clothes,
sports, buildings, climate, famous places etc.
We could share them with the students at St Austell’s in Cornwall.
After watching them, the UK students might have lots of questions for
your students.
In the future your students might be able to use audacity to record
questions for the students in Cornwall.
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your comments and great ideas. I am so happy to hear
from you. I'll upload a Powerpoint project done by our student in
Khalil Shehab School, and it is about Beirut.
Hi Rana,
Thanks for posting that great presentation! Do you know the name of
the school in Scotland that sent the photostory about Loch Ness?
I’ve posted a message on the Cornwall forum asking them to take a
look when they get back from holiday and contact you if they have any
Bye for now
Hi Chris,
It is "Cauldeen Primary School" and it is a partner school with the
Makassed school "Khalil Shehab" which got the International School
Award for the year 2008.
Hi Rana,
I thought it might be! I know George Glass, the headteacher at
Cauldeen. He’s brilliant and so passionate about international work
in schools. His school have done some wonderful eTwinning projects.
Here’s one he received an award for recently.
Little explorers
Bye for now
Powerpoint can also be a great tool for students to work together, or individually, to make wonderful, creative presentations.
Have a look at the great work by these students from Cornwall in the UK
Course Management System
16 years ago
Ikke Soehartina
Managing learning process is very important to give teacher feedback and monitoring the student activity and progress.
I use Dokeos as Course Management System CMS). It's very powerful. You can put resources (text, movie, audio), assessment and assignment for the students, monitoring they work, and do interactivity like chatting and discussion.
There are some free CMS that can be used, but I prefer to use Dokeos and Moodle.
Hi Ikke, would you please send us the link to these tools.
Re: Course Management System
16 years ago
Ikke Soehartina
Hi, Rana.
You can download dokeos at
and moodle at
I've tried both of them and I prefer dokeos because it's easier to
use, even I still has a little problem with oogie.
Recently I try to solve that problem because if Oogie can work well
it's very powerfull. You can import PowerPoint or Open Office impress
to Dokeos and add sound and narration on that presentation.
Hi Ikke,
That’s the first time I’d heard of dokeos. I had a brief look
through the website and it looks like really powerful e-learning
tool. Is it designed as tool for corporate e-learning or is it
something that can easily be adapted for a school environment? Is
dokeos commonly used by education institutions in Indonesia?
Thank you
Dokeos is not so popular in Indonesia. The most popular CMS is
moodle. Previously I use moodle for Ora et Labora School Jakarta
(, Daarelqolam Tamgerang and Al Luthfah Bekasi.
Our team has integrated database moodle with school administration
But for Jubilee School, I use dokeos
Using Dokeos you can manage and administer virtual class. I put my
lesson and assignment in Dokeos, and I ask students to learn and do
the assignment. I can monitor how long each student access the
lesson, using quiz online I also can assess the students.
I also can import the quiz that create using hot potatoes to
The student in the class can open forum and chatting. They also can
upload their work to Dokeos drop box.
It can easily adapted to school.
Tools to create online quiz
16 years ago
Ikke Soehartina
Hi Everyone.
Have you try "hot potatoes"? It's a powerful software to create quiz online. You can create MQC, fill in the blank, short answer, matching, and cross word puzzle easily.
Download it at
Hi Ikke – I agree ‘hot potatoes’ is great! It’s particularly
good for language learning as you can make short online quizzes for
the students to do at home to revise language taught in class. The
students can also create great quizzes themselves for other students
to try. It’s a good way to allow them to consolidate what they’ve
A good source of developments in ICT
16 years ago
Michael from eTwinning
Hi everyone, I subscribe to a couple of ICT teachers' blogs, which I find really useful for finding out all kinds of information and new developments in ICT - you don't have to be an expert to read them and the blog owners are usually quite willing to give support to people who are trying podcasting etc. for the first time.
The ones I subscribe to are:
Anyone know any other good blogs?
Hi Michael,
Nice to hear from you! You’ve got two of my favourite blogs on
your list, edu.blogs and joedale. Thanks for the tip about the other
The Healthy Passport blog that was used in the eTwinning project
between Yester Primary School, in Scotland, with Kuvansin koulu
Primary School, in Finland is a great example of how blogs can be
used in school partnership work.
Really interested to find out if blogs are used in education in
Lebanon, Indonesia or other countries.
I really like these blogs and especially the Healthy Passport blog.
I would create a new one with my students to be shared with others.