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>2010 Football World Cup project

2010 Football World Cup project


Let's use the World Cup as a reason for finding out more about the cultures of the countries taking part!! Every class in your school 'adopts' one of the countries taking part in South Africa 2010. This can be done in the form of a 'draw'. Between now and June 2010, each class finds out about the culture, history, traditions, food and language of their adopted country. We can upload our findings about different countries to the elanguages web site. This can take the form of presentations / songs / art work etc. We then round everything off with an exhibition of all the findings from each class (in your school hall) on Friday 11th June 2010 - the day of the opening match! We can then share photos of the exhibitions and have a world-wide celebration of the World Cup!!

Age range
5 - 16
Jonathan Peace
Project stage
Last update
12 years ago
5 stars
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The World Cup project ran from November to July. You can see all the examples of school work below, starting with the initial ideas and following on in the different tasks.

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Initial thoughts:

What can your classes find out about their adopted countries?

Here is a list that Mercedes in Uruguay and her classes have come up with:
• History.
• Location.
• Society/ Population/ Politics.
• Traditions/ Customs/ Legends.
• Economical activities.
• Traditional food/ dishes.
• Geographical features/ Location/ Surface/ Natural Resources.
• Language.
• Tourism: Attractions/ Places to visit/ Activities/ Events/ Monuments.
• Weather/ Climate.
• Famous people/ National Heroes.
• Festivals and important dates.
• National Sports.
• Music.
• Olympic medals/World Championships.
• Environment.
• Capital City.
• Typical dances.
• Map

What an excellent starting point! Any more suggestions? Join the discussion


World Cup Draw

In December, the World Cup draws were made in schools around the world.

Have a look at the photographs by clicking on the link below


Task One - Design a logo

Here is the first of the tasks which your classes could work on in preparation for the big exhibition in June.

Design a logo

Open the Word document below for more information. Or follow the link to view the logos already added, and make your own logo gallery


Task Two - Historical Timeline

Here is task 2 in preparation for the exhibition in June.

We are going back in time.

Produce a history timeline for your country showing all the important events and the famous people from its past.

Click on the link below to download the task sheet.

folder iconTask 2

objects: 14
This holds an example of the projects we've been doing for task 2. Remember - download it and customise it for your own needs. If you have any ideas for other tasks, put them into a document and upload them for us all to see.
Microsoft Word file Argentina time line - San Juan Bautista- Uruguay.doc 29.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint Ghana timeline.ppt 417.5 kB
Gallery Algeria timeline
Image England_Timeline[1].JPG 259.8 kB
Microsoft Word file NIGERIA TIMELINE.docx 27.6 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint Nigeria Time Line.pptx 120.6 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint Historical Facts about Slovenia-JNV Bhiwani.ppt 489.0 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint Paragua by San Juan Bautista Uruguay.ppt 1.5 MB
Gallery Slovak Republic
Microsoft PowerPoint A student's powerpoint on Algeria's history.ppt 700.5 kB
Gallery St Just Primary School, Cornwall
Microsoft Word file World Cup task 2 - history.doc 60.0 kB
Folder Class Ash Timelines 11


Task Three - Music Factfiles

Here is task 3 in preparation for the exhibition in June. We are hitting some musical notes now! Produce a fact file about music in your country. What are the traditional forms of music? What is the national anthem like? Who are the pop stars? Click on the link below to download the task sheet.

Lifting the World Cup.jpg


Task Four - Celebrating the World Cup in School

Click on the link below to see how the World Cup was celebrated in schools across the world.

There were design a mascot competitions, World Cup themes at "Europe Day" celebration, themed assemblies, and whole school exhibitions.

One school in Spain even managed to meet and interview a famous footballer at their local club.


Related links and projects

Related links and projects

World Cup 2010 Fling the Teacher Quiz

Try this World Cup 2010 Fling the Teacher Quiz - sent in by Catherine Andy (with questions set by schools in England, Spain and Turkey). Click on the image to play the game.

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